Mark Kaye
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Did you ever wake up from a dream and think 'it was a rerun'? Some very strange sensations occuring before the elections. Maybe it's just me, or is it everytime I see Joe Biden at the beach he's always surrounded by men (??), not one Lady in the picture (?). If he wasn't President, he would be sitting there all alone (our tax dollars at work paying the Secret Service for a day on the beach, not even a good volleyball game do we see (?!?).

What about Kamala Harris for President? All you get with her is Dirty Jamaican Mafiosa, a Jamaican Burlesque Queen with a submachine gun (ACK! ACK!). If she had a platform to stand on, she'd fall of of it.

I live in Jacksonville, Florida. I'm beginning to think that we've been granted by The Lord a great second and even a third chance dodging all these hurricanes. At least Donald Trump helps the people when their luck runs out.
so that our country will survive. May God Bless!

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January 29, 2024
Locals Schmocals!


December 15, 2023
December 04, 2023

Probably because they keep cutting them off!

September 12, 2024

I have been watching for 3 and a half years the real plan that Kamala had, here is the list of how she destroyed America and left it in ruins

We support you President Trump.From America . Here are the consequences of voting K.A.M.A.L.A- KEEP APPLYING MAKING AMERICA LOSE AGAIN as president.

-Unsecure open borders
-Mass illegal immigration (particularly through the southern border)
-Higher taxes imposed by expensive big government with little to no return for taxpayers or on programs beneficial to taxpayers.
-Wasteful and insane government spending
-Rising federal budget deficit
-Soaring national debt (without the exception of an anomality and emergency like a global pandemic)
-Police and law enforcement defunded
-Police, law enforcement, and border patrol persecuted and penalized for doing their jobs lawfully and properly.
-Out of control violent crime rates
-Reduced vetting and background checks in immigration
-Rise of global extremist terrorist group activities that operate under the banner of religion (i.e, ISIS)
-Rise of unsafe...

September 05, 2024

This is exactly what I've been calling her 'real' name....Rasheeda Taliban!

This Rabbi is exactly correct!

Happy birthday America !! 🇺🇸
Can’t wait until you come back Mark.

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